Cocktails: „Red Hands“ – Sechs Drinks mit Campari

Receipt: ‚Red Dot‘ by Marie Rausch, Germany

Red Dot
Bild: Campari
„Red Dot“
Campari jelly sphere *
5 cl rice and saffron infused Cinzano extra dry
10 cl tonic water
1 fig leaf

Preparation: Use the fig leaf to perfume a longdrink or tumbler glass. Add a lot of ice and pour the infused Cinzano and tonic water into the glass. Place the Campari sphere carefully on top.

* Campari jelly sphere: Lightly heat the Campari and add the gelatin. Pour the liquid in a spheric shaped form and let it cool down.

Video – „Red Hand Germany“
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Quelle: Campari Deutschland